TrueNorth Acts as Exclusive Advisor to LPI on its Latest Acquisition
Stamford, Connecticut, December 2016 – TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC (“TrueNorth”) acted as exclusive financial advisor to LPI, Inc. (“LPI”) in its acquisition of assets of Vortex Whirlpool Systems, Inc., dba Catalina Spas.
TrueNorth Acts as Exclusive Financial Advisor to Encon in its Sale to Service Logic
Stamford, Connecticut, September 2016 – TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC (“TrueNorth”) acted as exclusive financial advisor to Environmental Control, Inc. d.b.a Encon, Inc. (“Encon”) in its sale to the Service Logic family of HVAC companies, a portfolio company of Sterling Investment Partners.
TrueNorth Advises Macton Corporation on the Refinance of its Senior Loan Facility
Stamford, CT, September 2016 –TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC (“TrueNorth”) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC acted as financial advisor to Macton Corporation in connection with the refinance of its senior loan facility. Funding was provided by the Asset Based Lending Group at Rockland Trust Company.
TrueNorth Advises Unsecured Creditors of Back9Network & Swing By Swing
Stamford, CT, August 2016 –TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC (“TrueNorth”) acted as exclusive financial advisor to The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Back9Network, Inc. and Swing By Swing, Inc. (the “Committee”).
Robust and Diverse M&A Market in Northland Region Since Recession
The national M&A market has rebounded strongly from the cyclical downturn of the Great Recession. In the 2010-2015 period, national transaction volume increased at a compounded annual growth rate (“CAGR”) of approximately 9.5%. Meanwhile, M&A multiples have returned to the historically high levels reached prior to Great Recession. Such vitality in the M&A market during the recent cyclical recovery is in stark contrast to the relatively slow growth experienced in the overall economy.
TrueNorth Advises on §363 Sale of H. Krevit
Stamford, CT, March 2016 –TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC (“TrueNorth”) through its wholly owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC, acted as exclusive financial advisor to H. Krevit and Company, Incorporated and its affiliates (“Krevit”) in the sale of substantially all of its assets to AJM Industries, LLC (“AJM”).
Middle Market M&A and Current Timing Considerations
Because I’m an investment banker, I regularly field questions about when will the strong market conditions for middle-market M&A transactions dissipate. Recently, in response to this question, I told an M&A lawyer that I thought we were in about the “7th inning” of the market cycle.
TrueNorth Announces Relocation of its Corporate Office and Launch of New Website
Stamford, CT: TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC (“TrueNorth”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC have relocated their headquarters to new offices in downtown Stamford, CT.
TrueNorth Announces Two Recent Deal Closings
Stamford, Connecticut June, 2015 – TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC is pleased to announce that it recently completed two transactions.
TrueNorth Advises Lindquist Steels, Inc.
Stamford, Connecticut June, 2015 – TrueNorth Capital Partners LLC is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, TNCP, LLC (“TrueNorth”) acted as exclusive financial advisor to Lindquist Steels, Inc.(“Lindquist”) in the sale of the assets of its Southeastern service centers to Cincinnati Tool Steel Company (“CTS”).